Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ah, validation!

So after pumping myself up about this school year I was secretly afraid that the first day was going to be a big let down. I was worried I would have horrible kids, that I would regret making the decision to stay but I'm happy to say, SO GOOD SO FAR!!!

Of course, it's the first day but after teaching for a while you can tell pretty early the classes and kids that will or won't give you trouble. Everyone seemed really excited today. The best part is that I always ask the kids why they are in that class to find out if they chose to take the class or if they were dumped in there. I always tell them to be honest and that they won't hurt my feelings if they were put in the class. Well, for the first time the majority of my choir kids actually REQUESTED to be in the class. HALLELUJAH!!!!

Now, I'm just ready to get all of the introductory stuff over with and get down to making some music! The longer I teach the more I realize how lucky I am to get to do something I love everyday. That sounds really polyanna I know but it's how I feel. Concert choir (some of them, won't have ALL of them until tomorrow) sang today and I was slightly apprehensive of what kind of sound was going to come out of their mouths, but it was pleasantly delightful!!

My difficult decision to stay in B'ham has been validated as of today.....check back with me in a couple of months! lol Hope everyone else had a great first day back whenever your first day was!!

1 comment:

  1. I want to know why my face doesn't show up on here. I look like an anonymous commenter.
