Catherine is now 5 1/2 months old. Her development is moving at warp speed right now which makes each day at our house new and exciting. I thought I would update everyone on her latest "tricks"!
1. She's rolling over. Yay for reaching milestones. However, she's a tummy sleeper and she can only roll from her tummy to her back so we wind up going in her room and turning her back over 3-4 times so she'll sleep. What's funny is she just has a BALL in her crib when she's on her back. At least she doesn't cry, right? Video to come soon, of me catching her on her back!
2. She is SO vocal. She's making the funniest sounds and has discovered her tongue. She's constantly rolling and moving her tongue to figure out new sounds. Our favorite is the shriek she makes when she's super excited.
3. She is inundated with Pudge. She watches her closely and reaches out to touch her. We are trying to teach her to PET her instead of grab as much fur as you can and squeeze really hard. Pudge is a good sport!
4. She is eating big girl food. Well, not really but the next step to big girl food. Rice and various fruits. So far she hates apples and pears. She likes bananas but #5 trick has postponed bananas for now. Videos to come of this as well......she's gags and makes the funniest face when she doesn't like something. Just like her momma.
5. With solid food comes FUN diapers. I'll spare you the gross details. But, a couple of days ago she sounded like she was hickuping and I quickly realized she was gasping for air. SCARY! This went on for a few minutes until she finally began to cry. Crying=breathing. Whew. Well, she had a super dirty diaper. Fast forward to today. Same thing TWICE. Gasping for air, coughing, and a super dirty diaper both times. So we went to see Dr. Hensley. She gave her an all clear and said that she is probably having to push and she's holding her breath. She asked if I kept a video camera handy.....DUH, lol. She told me to video her doing it. I figured a $20 copay is well worth the piece of mind. So now we are eating oatmeal and prunes to hopefully make going to the bathroom a little easier..... TMI? :-) Here's a pic of our first prune experience!
Three weeks from today we will travel to Birmingham to catch up with family and friends. I can't WAIT to see everyone and for you all to see Catherine's new tricks first hand!!